Rich Seward, Business Account Executive

Where did you work before Capital Business Systems?

Viaero Wireless.

What is your proudest moment at Capital?

Taking over print shop new customers. Especially when it was a printing company in McCook, just a block away from our biggest competitor!

What’s the best thing about being in our industry?

Beating the competition! Knowing we can offer better products and service, often times saving our customers money. Winning new customers and developing ongoing, long term relationships with them is a passion of mine.

How do you define success?

Exceeding expectations while staying driven and having an ongoing desire to win.

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?

It’s all about family and friends! My wife and I love hosting get togethers to feed and entertain different people.

Fill in the blank: I once met….

Mark-Paul Gosselaar – Saved By the Bell’s Zach Morris. Nice guy!

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

San Diego, because we love the ocean and its beaches.