Mistakes. They’re a part of life, both personal and business, and we learn to live with them. We brush ourselves off and get over the majority of them, but it’s those preventable mistakes that are the most exasperating.

There’s No Need to Make This Particular Mistake

Businesses who fail to implement a disaster recovery plan are at risk of making one of those exasperating preventable mistakes, and the costs can be very high indeed.

  • Approximately one-third of small businesses have suffered loss from natural disasters.
  • Another 10% of small businesses are negatively impacted by human-caused disasters.
  • 43% of companies impacted by a catastrophic data loss are unable to reopen their doors and 51% close within the following two years.
  • Just 6% of small businesses survive a catastrophic data loss.

Perhaps the most depressing fact of the mix is that catastrophic data loss is largely preventable.

Not If, But When

Is it time to firm up your organization’s disaster recovery plan? Perhaps these compelling facts will help you decide.

No Company is Immune to Disaster

The Titanic was believed to be unsinkable, and it was, at least until that iceberg came along. If you’ve been sailing along with no iceberg in sight, take a lesson from the Titanic and just assume that there’s one ahead—a big one. Put your data in the hands of an expert Managed Network Services provider for the 24/7/365 monitoring your business requires.

Don’t Risk Your Customers’ Trust

Even your most loyal customers will jump ship if your business suddenly disappears from their radar screens. Gain Business Continuity with a disaster recovery plan rather than giving them a reason to take their business elsewhere.

Get some sleep tonight by transferring your risk to the experts at Capital Business Systems. Contact us today to learn more about a Disaster Recovery plan for your business!