Understanding mobile device significance is very important in our modern age of digital communication. Once you have the data decided, you need to decide how to link your print and digital assets. Some of the digital technologies that direct mailers can and are using to bring more value to content owners and customers include:

• A pURL – a personalized URL that takes the user to a website landing page that is quickly built, and specifically designed for that individual using data that has been collected to target the message.

For example, a pURL such as www.auto-ad-promotion.com/johnsmith would take Mr. Smith to a landing page which references his old automobile and invites him to visit his local auto dealer to upgrade his vehicle choice.

• QR Codes – can be personalized just like a pURL but because they are  scanned with a mobile device, they provide simpler, more instant access to online content. QR codes can provide a route to adding creativity and relevance to direct mail campaign.

For instance, adding a QR code that launches a relevant coupon when scanned to create some interaction with your campaign. To take it a step further, with the mobile Ricoh HotSpot App, the user will be able to immediately print that coupon from the nearest printing station.

• Hashtags – are most commonly used in a social media platform and are used to both tag and search for specific content. For example, a hashtag such as #printtechnology, would be used to publicize related material and create a community of interest around it.

• Image Recognition (IR) – uses a mobile device to scan the image and connect it to content on the Internet. This is related to a QR code but this image would be specific to whatever your campaign may entail. It can be built from any image, text, a photograph etc. and is seamlessly embedded into the printed or digital content.

• Digital Watermark – is an imperceptible and unique image pattern that is embedded in the content and can be used with both images and text. It can be personalized just like a QR Code, and it supports variable interactive content based on the context of the image, such as videos or other promotional content

• Augmented Reality (AR) – offers more complexity and sophistication than the other tools discussed. With AR you get an augmented view of the printed content by placing your mobile device over the content. An example of this would be that the printed material shows an ad for a new car. This technology provides a great opportunity for direct mailers, printers, and their customers to differentiate themselves.

Another great feature of adding mobile devices into the equation is the additional data they create. Many of the above applications capture information (data) about customers so that you can get the right message to the right person and also the opportunity to introduce tailored content to the landing page. Ricoh has a long legacy in helping the print industry capture, manage and transform information about clients to produce relevant, targeted campaigns.

Always remember that the most successful campaigns stem from a marketing plan, offer a clear and strong call to action, and deliver high-quality content across print and digital. Pull those aspects together, and you will see results.

Want to learn more about tools for optimizing your print and digital communications? Contact us today!