Yolanda Shockley, Customer Service Representative/Dispatch

Where did you work before Capital Business Systems?
I was still working at a flower shop, Pizazz and had worked at Wells Fargo for 7 years prior.

Briefly describe what you do each day at work.
I am in the Customer Service department, so I do a lot of different things. I assist customers with service and supplies also work with all our offices to schedule machine set-ups. I help with contracts for leasing, processing and billing of cash sales on hardware, as well as third party service billing. I often help the field technicians with any issues they have.

What’s the best thing about your job?
The people I work with. That is the best of all!

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?
I’m usually working, or hanging out with the grandbabies. I have 4 with 2 more on the way!

Favorite 3 movies:
I don’t watch TV very often, but when I do I watch a lot of news, and love all Disney shows! I do like the movie “The Vow”. It’s one of my all-time favorite movies (especially since its based off a true story).

If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Tacos & Burritos! Everyone here at the office know I love either of the 2.

What advice would you give others in your profession?
You have to like what you do. Working with the public can be very enjoyable, and the customer should always hear your smile over the phone!