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Why Single Solutions Are Never Enough

Why Single Solutions Are Never Enough

Anti-virus software is an important part of any cybersecurity solution. But on its own, the protection that it affords your business is extremely limited.

No single solution is guaranteed to prevent ransomware attacks. Today’s cybercriminals are able to penetrate organizations in multiple ways. That is why the Capital Business Systems managed network solutions include multiple layers of security for your business.

In a recent survey of companies that experienced ransomware incidents, various types of stand-alone security measures had been implemented. Many of them failed at one level or another. Here are some of the basic security measures that ransomware was able to beat:

In 2017, cybercriminals were able to get $301,000,000 from of their ransomware victims. Even after paying the ransom, 15% of those victims never recovered their stolen data.

But the cost of a ransomware incident involves more than just the ransom itself. Consider the downtime costs. If your business came to a complete halt right now, and you weren’t able to get your business up and running for 2 days – how much revenue would that cost you? How many clients or potential clients would you lose? 75% of ransomware victims report business-threatening downtime intervals.

So……..what is the most effective solution when it comes to ransomware protection?

After an organization considers anti-ransomware measures, they should also focus on how to ensure business continuity and maintain operations despite a ransomware attack.

Capital Business System’s business continuity service is the first complete data protection and business continuity solution delivered on one platform. It can be deployed on a purpose-built appliance, in a virtualized environment, or imaged for use on existing hardware. Business data can be backed up to a local device in real time and synchronized, providing you with complete geo-redundancy, data integrity and location-specific control.


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