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Network Connectivity

Network Connectivity


These days, the network that we use to connect ourselves to the larger digital world is like the electricity that powers our lives. We don’t think too much about it until it’s interrupted or non-existent. And, just like the loss of electricity, the loss of our network connectivity can have a cascading effect, and can impact much more than just our nerves.

Network connectivity issues – especially on a business or office-based network – can create efficiency bottlenecks and seriously limit productivity. If you’ve ever experienced intermittent slowdowns as a result of excessive network traffic or on-site technical issues, you’re not alone. So, what causes network connectivity issues for today’s businesses?

Here are a few of most common causes of network issues:

Obsolete. It’s a terrifying word for any IT department. It’s like a puzzle piece that no longer fits the puzzle. When connectivity devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc) or other network equipment reach a certain age, they naturally become obsolete as manufacturers stop supporting it. While the device itself may continue functioning, software patches or upgrades – which would normally keep the equipment functioning at high levels – are no longer available. Without these updates, the equipment’s function will continue to degrade.

Also, this lack of upgrades for older equipment often means a network might not be safeguarded against threats, including any form of cyber-attack, which become easier to initiate the older the network equipment becomes.

These days especially, the ability to do anything remotely is important to businesses. Today’s network connectivity equipment is designed to leverage cloud networking, which means it always has the ability to be managed and upgraded remotely. Therefore, when it’s time to have patches and firewalls upgraded, it can happen via the cloud. The same goes for your business network connection. It can be assessed, managed and improved with minimal downtime. Your IT department does not have to be onsite and, like your other employees, can work remotely.

Often times, the failure to implement upgrades stems from the confusion about how your LAN (local area network) and WAN (wireless area network) work together. It’s common for businesses to upgrade their WAN in order to avoid intermittent slowdowns during network traffic peaks. But doing so does not always mean that their existing firewall and switches can support the internet upgrade. As a result, the benefits of an upgraded WAN may not be fully realized. So, if you’re going to upgrade your wireless network, be sure to enquire about upgrading your LAN at the same time.

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