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The History of Printing: Conclusion

Note: This is the final post in a four-part series discussing the history of printing. Read Part I, Part II, and Part III to catch up.

Today, print technology is more widely available than ever before. From small, portable mobile printers to large wide-format printers to high-tech multifunctional printers, the world of printing is always growing and advancing. There are many different kinds of printers on the market today, but the most common types are laser and inkjet.

Laser Printing

Laser printers use the science of static electricity to create a crisp, high-quality product. Laser printers use positively charged toner—a fine black powder—with a negatively charged drum. Because oppositely-charged items attract, the toner attaches to the drum. The paper is then given an even stronger negative charge than the drum, ensuring that the toner transfers from the drum to the paper.

Inkjet Printing

Inkjet printers utilize a dot printing technique, using tiny dots—between 50 and 60 microns in diameter—to create any image or text on paper with ink. The simplicity of the inkjet printer makes it an affordable way to achieve stunning results.

The Future of Printing

Where is printing headed? If current technology and usage are any indications, printing has a bright and exciting future. Printers are getting faster, easier to use, and more reliable every day. Your business can use digital presses to print high volumes or production print machines to handle every kind of job. 3D print technology is also growing by leaps and bounds, possibly saving lives in the future through organ printing.

Wherever printing brings us in the future, it will no doubt be just as astonishing as printing’s past.

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